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自主海洋核心是未来自主战场的关键. 它使人员和非人员资产能够协同工作, where an operator can move seamlessly with ease and predictability between different levels of autonomy in the control system.


自主海洋核心 is a control system that enables un-crewed and autonomous small and medium-sized vessels to work in a safe and predictable way – on the surface and underwater. 它给海军提供了一个新的监视水平和战术优势, increasing availability and efficiency and becoming less dependent on active manpower.

With 自主海洋核心 integrated, un-crewed vessels can operate on missions such as: 

  • 突击:艇载导弹、水雷和鱼雷等有效载荷. 
  • Mine countermeasures: The craft is equipped with systems to search for and neutralize mines. 
  • ISTAR:情报、监视、目标获取和侦察. 
  • 运输船:运输燃料或弹药等物资的船只. 
  • 电子战:航空器具有远程作战能力. 
  • 搜索和救援:在行动中减少机组人员的风险.


自主海洋核心是一个船舶不可知系统. 有了一个开放的界面,系统可以量身定制,以适应您选择的工艺. 专为即插即用, your vessel's parameters can be entered into the 自主海洋核心 Vessel Motion Control to enable un-crewed functionality.

Save precious time on integration and benefit from the limitless possibilities with 自主海洋核心 onboard. 建立和扩大自主和人工智能的坚实基础.


自主海洋核心开启了无数的可能性, 从基本的远程控制到未来的全人工智能. 容易理解, 易于使用, 并且易于部署, 自主海洋核心开启, 可扩展的系统允许您为任何特定的任务或任务构建智能. 

Open, safe and robust, 自主海洋核心 provides the base to build systems and new intelligence. 加入十大正规博彩网站评级的智能系统, 或者实现来自其他车队和第三方的能力模块.

Add applications using capability modules indefinitely without losing built-in security and predictability.

自主海洋核心由一个控制系统组成, 硬件和软件, 在远程控制船舶上实现. Add different capability modules indefinitely to create an array of functions for different tasks and missions. 从远程控制到全AI. Control the vessel from a mobile control station that can be on 土地, at sea or in the air.


Saab has a technological edge and complete product portfolio for providing multiple capabilities of an un-crewed system. 我们提供包括导航系统在内的一系列技术, 电子战, 遥控车辆, 先进雷达系统, 光电传感器 & 效应器等. 自主海洋核心 can be delivered as part of a complete un-crewed system or stand alone. 

我们为海军领域提供广泛的产品和解决方案, 还有空气, 土地, 和安全, 结合我们在系统集成方面的专业知识, 提供具有无限功能的系统的系统解决方案.


内置冗余和雷达系统, cameras and 传感器 enable vessels to safely navigate between the waypoints of a mission. 消除与静态和动态物体碰撞的风险, 减少人为失误的可能性. 

自主海洋核心机动模式提供安全的路线规划. Manage your craft’s manoeuvres from direct control to automatic route planning and execution.


有了自主海洋核心,唯一的限制就是你的想象力. 例如, craft powered by 自主海洋核心 could be stationed in an area for several weeks at a time to detect and notify of any threats which may occur at once. 类似地,船只可以被分配去跟踪潜艇或探测和消除水雷.


创新是十大正规博彩网站评级基因的一部分. For us autonomy is defined as an emerging technology and fundamental to our future work. 

自治不仅仅是将资产从一个位置转移到另一个位置. That's why our capabilities within the autonomous field are capable of handling dozens, 甚至上百人, 资产组合和协作一起解决任务. 

自主海洋核心作为无人驾驶的推动者改变了游戏, 未来的自主舰队.
